Best Western Premier - 135 Carlingview Drive, Toronto, ON
Thursday November 14, 2024

Prescription or Diagnosis: Where is your Focus?

Thursday November 14, 2024 - Grand Ballroom

7:00 AM - 7:45 PM Breakfast and Registration in Grand Ballroom


7:45 AM - 8:00 AM

Mike Englert B. Ed., EPC

  Founding Faculty Member, Compliance Officer CIEPS

Mike's Bio




Opening Remarks & Introduction of Keynote Opening Speaker

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM


Founding Faculty Member & Faculty Chair CIEPS

Peter's Bio

Prescription or Diagnosis: Where is your Focus?

What has made you successful so far? In part, it is your stored knowledge accumulated over the years and applied to your work.  Experience has increasingly counted for more. It's given you an edge and speed to respond.

Our rapidly changing world brings ever evolving standards, expectations and values. Crystallized thinking and intelligence meets fluid intelligence in an environment where new applied learning is key to success. Fluid intelligence involves the ability to reason and think flexibly, something that becomes more challenging for clients and advisors alike as we age. Here is a check on responsive, engaging best practices when dealing with an aging population and their families.

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Jim Kibble BBA, CPA, CA, TEP, CEA

Ontario Estate Consulting Solutions Inc.

Jim's Bio

"Aunt Millie and Uncle Bob"


Jim is a chartered accountant who specializes in fee-only estate planning for about 100 clients each year across Ontario and beyond.

Over 20,000 people have heard Jim present his interactive case study workshop on "Aunt Millie and Uncle Bob"; and the benefits they lost because they only had one will per person rather than two wills per person.

Come prepared to learn a lot and to laugh a lot as well.
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Simon Reilly

Leading Advisor Inc.

Simon's Bio

Why are the life insurance average policies per life insurance agent so low when life insurance is integral to these six components of holistic financial planning?

* Cash Flow
* Financial
* Insurance
* Retirement
* Estate
* Tax

At last count, there were approximately 108,000 life insurance agents in Canada, and last year, 589,000 policies were sold, an average of 5.45 policies per agent.

Popular culture has created negative stereotypes and the belief that a salesperson is inherently:

* Manipulative
* Selfish
* Arrogant
* Unfamiliar With The Truth 
* Cold And Calculating 
* Only Money Motivated 

Life Insurance is a product for which there can be no shame. When used as intended, it only does good things, not bad, and changes people's lives when they need help the most.

Financial advisors can fear life insurance more than their clients because of avoidance behaviors, cultural or family beliefs, fear of rejection, and self-worth issues, which they transfer onto their clients. These issues relate to The Shame Of Selling.

What is the Shame Of Selling and its symptoms? What are the signs that you have the Shame Of Selling? Where does the Shame Of Selling come from? How can you cure the Shame Of Selling and offer life insurance combined with holistic financial planning?

Do you struggle, or is your success up and down with Shame Of Selling symptoms that include?

* Avoidance behavior
* Downplaying your success 
* Fear of rejection 
* Focusing on negative outcomes
* Imposter syndrome
* Negative self-talk
* Reluctance to close
* Self-worth issues
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Amanda Richards BA, CPCA, EPC,

Director of Business Development and Community Integration Organization Chartwell Retirement Residences

Amanda's Bio
Enhancing Communication and Building Trust with Senior Clients

In this insightful presentation, professionals working with senior clients will discover invaluable strategies to enhance communication and cultivate trusting relationships. Recognizing the unique needs and challenges faced by seniors, the session explores the art of clear and empathetic communication.

Attendees will gain practical insights into adapting language, leveraging non-verbal cues, and patiently addressing cognitive and physical barriers. Cultural sensitivity and the importance of tailoring communication to individual preferences will be emphasized, empowering professionals to create inclusive and personalized interactions.

From handling difficult conversations with empathy to incorporating technology judiciously, this presentation equips participants with a holistic toolkit for effective engagement.

Through real-life case studies and interactive discussions, professionals will leave with the skills to navigate the complexities of working with senior clients, fostering meaningful connections and providing enhanced, person-centered care.
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM Buffet Lunch Provided - Windsor Ballroom
1:00 PM  - 2:00 PM

Bev Evans, CFP, TEP, CIP, EPC

Retired Wealth Advisor, Portfolio Manager, CIEPS Faculty Member

Bev's Bio
Structure Sets You Free

How do you ensure you stay on track as you navigate your client needs over the course of a busy year? Can you maintain balance with your personal life and demands?  Are you able to keep your stress level manageable while delivering great client outcomes and maintaining meaningful relationships?

Bev shares practical tools, techniques and best practices gleaned from over thirty years in wealth management. You'll come away understanding the value of a consistent, process-driven approach and an appreciation of why structure sets you free.

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Kevin Brady

Managing Partner, NFP Canada, Chairman and Founder Advica Health

Kevin's Bio
Leading Edge Solutions To Protect Your Biggest Asset - Your Health

In this talk I share my own personal story on how I overcame life threatening health issues as well as the Top 10 Leading-Edge, Little-Known solutions to protect you and your family's health.

In this part of the presentation, I share the latest testing available for cancers heart, inflammation, etc.  that are readily available today. 

When the advisor knows this information, they will be in a better position to properly advise their clients and prospects as to any additional insurance products that are required to properly cover then down the road.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Jennifer Koshul, EPC

Director of Business Development Ontario Assumption Life

Jennifer's Bio
Death And Taxes: Positioning Simplified Issue Beyond Funeral Expenses

Estate planning specialists have long relied on life insurance to address end-of-life financial responsibilities and tax considerations for their clients. While the concept is crucial, its implementation becomes significantly more challenging when clients pose higher insurance risks.

Simplified Issue life insurance products offer comprehensive estate planning solutions for Canadians with chronic illnesses. By positioning Simplified Issue for more than just funeral expenses, advisors can empower seniors to embrace their futures with confidence and peace of mind, ensuring a smooth final transition without undue financial strain.
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Jim Ruta BA., RHU., EPC, FDFA

Founding Faculty Member CIEPS

Jim's Bio
Delivering Emergency Financial Advice

Ever been to the Emergency Room and seen how they work? Amazing really - and when you present with a life-changing medical condition there is little time to do a full review of your medical history and the problem is handled quickly and professionally. Later, when the emergency is over, there is time to go back and do the full medical review.

A financial situation can be the same. Some of our prospect's present with what could be life-changing financial conditions that require immediate emergency attention because time is of the essence when it comes to insurance. Top professionals handle these emergency concerns first and then do additional reviews when the emergency has been alleviated. It makes perfect sense - to the prospect!

Jim Ruta, FDFA will explain what he calls essential financial security and how sometimes you must deliver emergency financial advice to keep the prospect's best interest at heart. He'll explain what and how so you can triage your prospects most effectively and do the most professional job.

5:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Closing Remarks, Adjourn

Agenda subject to change

Canadian Initiative for Elder Planning Studies Inc.
203-4438 Ontario Street, Beamsville, ON L3J 0A4

Toll Free Phone 866 833-8606  Toll Free Fax 866 209-5111

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